Wednesday, August 3, 2016

College Survival Tips: Baked Apples

I think we all can agree on two things:

First, desserts are sweet. 

And second, they're super hard to avoid. 

Our willpower is only so strong and, quite frankly, after forcing yourself to study, avoid Netflix, and possibly even workout, it's extremely difficult to say no to that brownie at dinner.

Which is why I've been attempting to collect easy, healthy alternatives to the oh so tempting desserts at dinner. 

Let me introduce you to my Healthy Hack #1 - Baked Apples.

What you're going to need:
-Apples (1-2)
-Some sort of baking sheet
-Pam (optional)

1. Cut the apples. I've been doing them into chunks, but however you want - slices, cored, cubed - works just as well.
Pro Tip: I don't know about your school but mine allows me to take a piece of fruit and a baked good from the cafeteria after each meal. Instead of swiping a muffin, I try to grab an apple or two each time. They make excellent snacks all on their own and eventually I have enough to make this healthy dessert (after a one time purchase of honey and cinnamon) for absolutely nothing!
2. Spread them on some sort of baking sheet (optional: spray baking sheet with Pam). If you're a college kid, this may be a little hard to manage during the year as such specialized utensils as pots, pans, and silverware are always in short supply. I've accomplished this dish with a cookie sheet (that I got from Goodwill for super cheap) and before that I was using a cupcake pan. I imagine that cake and pie tins would work as well.

3. Sprinkle cinnamon over the tops of the apples as desired.

4. Bake. This may take a while. I usually put them in at 350 F and check every twenty minutes or so but on average it will take 30-40 minutes for your apples to cook through. This is a great time to do homework, catch up on your emails and phone calls, fold that laundry you've been avoiding, or clean up around the kitchen (or procrastinate on social media but hey, who's judging?). You'll know your apples are finished when they are soft, tender, and slightly caramelized. The people who poke their heads in asking why it smells so darn good are also a good indicator.

5. Remove the apples from the oven. Let cool to a comfortable temperature and drizzle with honey. Enjoy!

So there you have it, my Healthy Hack #1 - Baked Apples. It's cheap, it's easy, it's tasty, and above all, it's good for you! Who says healthy can't be delicious?

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